Like any large well established organisation, the Campaign For Real Ale (CAMRA) is littered with acronyms and shorthand for commonly used terms. These can be daunting for new members attending a meeting or event for the first time.
Here is a short guide to some of the terms you might hear or read:
Pub Of The Year (CAMRA Branches, Regions & CAMRA Nationally all award Pub Of The Year Awards) |
Pub Of The Season |
Pub Of The Month (Trafford & Hulme don't have these, but some other branches do) |
Cider & Perry Pub Of The Year |
Club Of The Year |
Annual General Meeting - All branches must hold one of these once a year, but also used to mean the CAMRA National AGM and Members Weekend which moves around the country from year to year. |
Good Beer Guide |
Great British Beer Festival (CAMRA's flagship annual festival held in London) |
GBBFW | Great British Beer Festival Winter - the winter version of GBBF which moves round the country on a three year cycle. |
National Winter Ales Festival - now known as GBBF Winter |
Manchester Beer & Cider Festival |
CBOB | Champion Beer Of Britain - The annual competition to find Britain's best beer, final judging taking place at the Great British Beer Festival |
CWBOB | Champion Winter Beer Of Britain - Annual competition to find Britain's best beer in the "Winter" beer styles - Stouts, Porters, Barley Wines, Strong Milds and Old Ales. Final judging takes place at the National Winter Ales Festival. |
Brewery Liason Officer - member appointed to be the link between CAMRA & a particular brewery |
BLC | Brewery Liason Co-ordinator. Organises the work of Brewery Liason Officers on a regional basis. |
Branch Young Members Contact |
NE |
The CAMRA National Executive - Committee of volunteers who head CAMRA |
RD |
Regional Director - CAMRA branches are grouped into 16 regions. Trafford & Hulme is in the Greater Manchester Region. The Regional Director represents the region on Branches Committee. |
RCC | Regional Cider Co-ordinator. |
NERD | National Executive & Regional Directors - typically referred to as NERDs meetings - the quarterly meetings of the NE & Branches Committee. |
Brewery Information System - Online system launched in 2010 to collate information on breweries & their beers |
National Beer Scoring System - Online beer scoring system which was formerley stand alone but is now part of |
Home Of The Pub System - An online system that holds a database of pub details for a number of CAMRA branches (including Trafford & Hulme) and is the backbone for online pub guide |
WhatPub | is CAMRA's national online pubs guide and beer scoring system |
LocAle |
A campaign to encourage pubs to sell locally brewed ales |