Like any large well established organisation, the Campaign For Real Ale (CAMRA) is littered with acronyms and shorthand for commonly used terms. These can be daunting for new members attending a meeting or event for the first time.

Here is a short guide to some of the terms you might hear or read:


Pub Of The Year (CAMRA Branches, Regions & CAMRA Nationally all award Pub Of The Year Awards)


Pub Of The Season 


Pub Of The Month (Trafford & Hulme don't have these, but some other branches do)


Cider & Perry Pub Of The Year 


Club Of The Year


Annual General Meeting - All branches must hold one of these once a year, but also used to mean the CAMRA National AGM and Members Weekend which moves around the country from year to year. 




Good Beer Guide 


Great British Beer Festival (CAMRA's flagship annual festival held in London) 

 GBBFW Great British Beer Festival Winter - the winter version of GBBF which moves round the country on a three year cycle.


National Winter Ales Festival - now known as GBBF Winter


Manchester Beer & Cider Festival

 CBOB Champion Beer Of Britain - The annual competition to find Britain's best beer, final judging taking place at the Great British Beer Festival
 CWBOB Champion Winter Beer Of Britain - Annual competition to find Britain's best beer in the "Winter" beer styles - Stouts, Porters, Barley Wines, Strong Milds and Old Ales. Final judging takes place at the National Winter Ales Festival. 




Brewery Liason Officer - member appointed to be the link between CAMRA & a particular brewery 

 BLC Brewery Liason Co-ordinator. Organises the work of Brewery Liason Officers on a regional basis. 


Branch Young Members Contact 


The CAMRA National Executive - Committee of volunteers who head CAMRA 


Regional Director - CAMRA branches are grouped into 16 regions. Trafford & Hulme is in the Greater Manchester Region. The Regional Director represents the region on Branches Committee.

 RCC Regional Cider Co-ordinator. 
 NERD National Executive & Regional Directors - typically referred to as NERDs meetings - the quarterly meetings of the NE & Branches Committee. 




Brewery Information System - Online system launched in 2010 to collate information on breweries & their beers 


National Beer Scoring System - Online beer scoring system which was formerley stand alone but is now part of


Home Of The Pub System - An online system that holds a database of pub details for a number of CAMRA branches (including Trafford & Hulme) and is the backbone for online pub guide

WhatPub is CAMRA's national online pubs guide and beer scoring system



A campaign to encourage pubs to sell locally brewed ales


News Group Signup

To join the branch news group, e-mail:-

thcamra+subscribe (at)

The Campaign for Real Ale

For more information on the Campaign for Real Ale visit their web site