On Easter Saturday the branch sets off for an extensive amble round the many pubs of Altrincham.

Following is an approximate itinerary for the day.

12:00 George & Dragon
12:30 Wheatsheaf
13:15 Old Market Tavern
13:45 Orange Tree
14:15 Old Roebuck
14:45 Malt Shovels
15:15 Station
15:45 Bricklayers
16:15 Pi
17:00 Jack in the Box
17:30 Conservative Club
18:15 Unicorn
18:45 Cheshire Tap
19:15 Costellos
19:45 Embrace
20:15 Craftsman
Finish: Barringtons

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thcamra+subscribe (at) thcamra.groups.io

The Campaign for Real Ale

For more information on the Campaign for Real Ale visit their web site
