A (very) small contingent of the branch travelled to the Old Post Office in Lymm on Wednesday February 7th to join North Cheshire branch at their presentation to brewer Mark Dale of the North West Regional Silver bottled beer (4.3% and below) for Lymm Bitter.

Our trip was to present, what turned out to be the 'other half' award, bottled beers 4.4% and over (silver again) but to sister brewery Dunham Massey (where Mark also brews) for their Dunham Porter.

Gary Chester, regional Brewery Liaison Coordinator & National Executive member presented the Lymm award and North West Regional Director Ralph Warrington presented the Dunham Massey award to a very surprised and delighted brewer!

We sampled many of the draught ales including Dunham Dark, Lymm Bitter, Chirotherium (specially requested for the night) and Dunham Winter Warmer and all we're on fine form

Lymm brewery is currently not on operation due to Mark brewing at Dunham but he hopes to get it up and running again soon (quote 'a few hours').



Ali Warrington (Brewery Liaison Officer for both breweries, left), Mark Dale (right, brewer) and the Lymm Bitter award

Ralph Warrington (left), Mark Dale (right, brewer) presentation of the Dunham Massey award 

Ralph Warrington (left), Mark Dale (centre, brewer), Gary Chester (right), pictured with both awards 


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