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Some good news on the Pelican. On the 14th October the Planning Inspector reject an appeal by New Care(Altrincham) Ltd. against the non-determination by Trafford Council of their plans to demolish the Pelican and replace it with a Specialist Care Home. In his report the planning officer states:-
the loss of the Pelican Inn, a NDHA (non-designated herritage asset) of architectural merit with historic connections to the area, would result in unacceptable harm to the historic character of the area. Moreover, the size, appearance and detailing of the proposed replacement buildings would result in incongruous additions to the street scene, which would have unacceptable and detrimental effects on the character and appearance of the area.
and finds:-
"there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the public house is no longer capable of functioning as a community facility. Consequently, I find that the loss of the host building would reduce the ability for the local community to meet their typical social and cultural needs to its detriment"
the full report, which contains a great deal more information on the factors he used in reaching his decision can be downloaded from the Planning Inspectorate Appeals Casework Portal here:-
On the 14th October 2022 Trafford rejected an application to demolish the Hare and Hounds stating that:-
1. The proposed development would lead to the total loss of a non-designated heritage asset which would have an adverse and irreversible impact on its significance. On balance, the benefits of the scheme would not outweigh the severe harm that would be caused to this non-designated heritage asset. As such the proposal is contrary to Policies L7 and R1 of the Trafford Core Strategy and the NPPF.
2 The proposed development would lead to the loss of a functioning public house as a local community facility, contrary to Paragraph 93 of the NPPF and the principles of sustainable development within it. In particular, the application fails to demonstrate that the existing public house is no longer viable.
You can view details of the application and the council's descision on thye Trafford Planning Portal here:-
The applicants have leave to appeal.
Chorlton Beer and Cider festival returns to St. Clements Church on the 7th-9th July after an enforced absence. For it to be a success we need volunteers, not just to man the bars and gates during the festival but to set up and take down. If you feel able to help us and the church pop over to:-
if you can't help but would just like to attend pop visit
where you can buy tickets, but note they are selling out quickly
A team of enthusiasts are looking to "Save The Robinhood" in Stretford which has been bought by property developers. They have launched a Crowd Fund
to raise money to help us with all the necessary set up costs like surveyors, legal advice promotions so they can spread the word far and wide.
If you feel you can contribibute please do.
**** Latest Inforomation --- Target Reached and bid submitted ***
The latest news from Trafford & Hulme CAMRA
News from pubs across the branch area.
Articles and features about branch activities & anything else beer, cider or pub related.
Reports on Branch Events including Pub Crawls, Brewerey and Festival Visits.
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