The SalisburyTrafford and Hulme CAMRA have chosen The Salisbury as their Pub of the Season for Autumn 2013. Situated on Wakefield Street just off Oxford Road, at the bottom of Oxford Road Station steps, this “alternative” may not be to everyone’s taste but their passion for real ale cannot be denied.

By the time you read this they will have just been awarded the regional InnServe Best Cellar Award 2013, this is in recognition of the high standards of cellarmanship and dispense. John Rowlinson, the landlord for 10 years is justly proud and said that “they were now through to the national competition” and he paid tribute to Matt Muszynsky and his small team who look after the cellar.

Salisbury - PumpsThey have seen an increase in the demand for real ale to the extent that they have added two more handpumps to the existing half dozen, these extra pumps will be used at peak times. They currently have four permanent beers, namely Theakston’s Old Peculiar, Caledonian 80, Golden XPA and Courage Directors, the extra handpumps house their ever-changing guest ales.

One of the recent innovations is the Gig Goers discount scheme, where upon showing a valid concert ticket for one of the main Manchester venues i.e. Arena, Ritz, Apollo etc you can get 50p of a pint of cask ale and of course card carrying CAMRA members can also get the discount. The Salisbury is open from noon everyday and closes at 1am (2am Fri-Sat). They do food during the day, but at the time of writing this was suspended due to the kitchen having a refit.

Although this is a rock orientated pub (the jukebox is acclaimed to be the best in Manchester) you don’t have to be sporting long hair, piercings and tattoos to enjoy the place and the staff are always welcoming, the atmosphere is vibrant and friendly. The clientele is a mixed bag which varies during the day, from business types to students to rockers young and old. So dust down those leathers and join us on October 17th from 7.30pm to celebrate The Sal's achievement.


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