On a dark winters night there is nothing better than a pub visit. On the 12th February The Salutation in Hulme was our destination as it was the date to present Ronan Clowes, the manager and his team with the Trafford & Hulme "Pub of the Season Winter 2020" award. 

Here we can see Tom Watson, the supervisor receiving the award from George Elmslie the branch chairman.


Acquired by the Metropolitan University in 2011 and operated by Union since 2013 it has retained many of it’s original features through several tasteful refreshes. In 2019 it entered into a non-exclusive agreement with Bollington Brewery and its cask and keg ales available usually with one guest from elsewhere.

The menu features several vegan and vegetarian meals in addition to more traditional pub fare. Interestingly the menu includes a beer pairing suggestion for each dish.  

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The Campaign for Real Ale

For more information on the Campaign for Real Ale visit their web site
