Trafford & Hulme Branch's online pub guide is part of CAMRA's online guide. The system is driven by a back end system known as HOPS (Home Of The Pub System). As well operating as an online guide to our pubs for members & general public alike, the back end system offers a range of tools to assist us in better managing our pub information.
An online guide is only as good as the data stored in it, therefore it is important that we collect as much information as possible on our pubs & check that the info we have is up to date & correct.
All members can help with this - even if you just survey your local. It doesn't take long, most questions you can answer just by looking around the pub, for the rest a 5 minute chat with the licencee/manager should do.
Survey forms are available in a format that you can either fill in yourself or ask the licencee to fill in themselves.
To download click below:
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