News from The Wharf, Castlefield....



We're planning a few interesting evenings over the coming months at the Wharf in Castlefield. The first of these will be a "Meet The Brewer" session with Weetwood ales, brewer of Wharf favourite 'Cheshire Cat'. We'll be sampling a variety of their ales and hearing about how they're brewed, so I do hope you'll join us for an evening of self-improvement while tickling the tastebuds. It promises to be a pleasantly social occasion, and you'll have ample time to conduct further research at the bar afterwards.

The evening kicks off at 7.30pm on Wednesday 11th February. We would ask for a £5 deposit which we will return to you on the night, so do please pop in and put your name on the list. 

All the best,

Siobhan and the Wharf crew

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