Salisbury Ale HouseTrafford & Hulme CAMRA has recently submitted an application to list the Salisbury Ale House in the city centre as an asset of community value. If approved this will officially recognize the valuable community role that is played by the pub and offer some protection should the pub come under threat of redevelopment. The application builds on an on-line petition entitled ‘Save the Salisbury Rock Pub’ that attracted over 1800 signatures.

The application is currently being considered by Manchester city council and a decision will be made on 21 August. “Asset of Community Value’ status would mean that the community will have 6 months to consider buying the pub should it be put on the market and it also requires the need for planning permission to be obtained for some changes previously allowed without having to do so.

The Branch is currently preparing further applications for ‘asset of community value’ status and details of these will follow shortly. If you feel there is a pub where you live that either fulfills a valuable role in the community and/or is under possible threat from redevelopment then please contact Tim Field at public_affairs <at>


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The Campaign for Real Ale

For more information on the Campaign for Real Ale visit their web site