Altrincham's Old Market Tavern was recently listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). As a result of the protection this affords the pub, owners Punch Taverns have given notification to Trafford Council that they intend to dispose of the pub.

As an Asset of Community Value (ACV), this means that local community groups (not just CAMRA) have a chance to consider buying the building. Any community group interested in purchasing the pub would need to notify Trafford Council of its interest by 12 April in order to trigger a 6 month moratorium period when the group would need to make arrangements to complete a purchase.

CAMRA understands that Punch's sale does not at this point threaten the future of this great pub as we've been advised that the current tenant is looking to buy the pub from Punch. Although the lease negotiated with previous tenant, the late John Glover, gave the OMT a level of freedom over its' beer purchasing that is almost unprecedented in 'Pub Co' agreements, taking the pub completely out of Pub Co control should only make the pub's future brighter. CAMRA would welcome the change of ownership and would hope the OMT can continue to be one of Altrincham’s most valued purveyors of quality real ale and continue as a great asset to the local community as a venue for live music and other community events.

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