On the 14th October 2022 Trafford rejected an application to demolish the Hare and Hounds stating that:-

1. The proposed development would lead to the total loss of a non-designated heritage asset which would have an adverse and irreversible impact on its significance. On balance, the benefits of the scheme would not outweigh the severe harm that would be caused to this non-designated heritage asset. As such the proposal is contrary to Policies L7 and R1 of the Trafford Core Strategy and the NPPF.

2 The proposed development would lead to the loss of a functioning public house as a local community facility, contrary to Paragraph 93 of the NPPF and the principles of sustainable development within it. In particular, the application fails to demonstrate that the existing public house is no longer viable.

You can view details of the application and the council's descision on thye Trafford Planning Portal here:-


The applicants have leave to appeal.


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